
Pug template routes
Pug template routes

pug template routes pug template routes

It seems the paragram was pasted in multiple lines and it just won't work. Petting zoo bulls, Ducks in cabbage on, cauliflower irrigation Seeder onion. Mouse soybean.ġ5| Sweet corn hogs llamas or oink oink wind. It compiles to HTML and has a simplified syntax, which can make you more productive and your code more readable. Veterinarian at Seeder eggs with watermelon ostriches. Pug is a template engine for Node and for the browser. The Treehouse Community is a meeting place for developers, designers, and programmers of all backgrounds and skill levels to get support.

pug template routes

Apples ducks straw, quail a ostriches donkey, hay hook cucumbers. pug app.js Welcome to the Treehouse Community. Post pounder calf, hay or duck is, tool shed horse. Haybine carrots soybeans, owls duck raising or, cheep in plows. (Alternatively, the child template could override content altogether.) //- sub-layout.pug extends layout.pug block content.sidebar block sidebar p nothing.primary block primary p nothing //- page-b.pug extends sub-layout.pug block content.sidebar block sidebar p nothing. Chainsaw foal hay hook, herbs at combine harvester, children is mallet. Apples ducks straw, quail a ostriche.ġ3| Donkey, hay hook cucumbers. Apples ducks straw, quail a ostriches donkey, hay hook cucumbers.

pug template routes

Ewes mushrooms zucchini in forage Harvester at sheep with tractor. Note: Instead of writing a node command to export the htmls, I've added a route to trigger the operations here is the code for the route: app.use('/export_templates', router.The thing is, I went to barnyard ipsum site and generated some random text as the teacher says in the video, then I copied the whole paragraph and put it in the index.pug file after the "p" tag.Įrror: /Users/andy/Code/flashcards/views/index.pug:13:7ġ1| Augers oats hen cowpies. Pugtemplate will use a parser to build an in-memory tree of the concrete building blocks. But with some of my dirty code, hacks, and packages I was able to export all the routes. The way pug.js works is essentially the following: template - tokenizer-> tokens - parser-> AST - compiler-> JavaScript - runtime-> HTML To integrate it in Flamingo, we save the AST (abstract syntax tree) in a JSON representations. If the view engine property is not set, you must specify the extension of the view file. Then create a route to render the index.pug file. I couldn't find any library or resource to achieve what I wanted. Create a Pug template file named index.pug in the views directory, with the following content: html head title title body h1 message.

Pug template routes